1.1 Learning Resources

Goals For This Week

  1. To understand the basics of the Modern Classroom framework
  2. To explore and examine the exemplar units
  3. To select a grade / subject / course / unit of focus for this learning series

An Overview of the Model

Our Modern Classroom learning series is based on the Modern Classrooms Project (MCP) learning framework – blended instruction, self-paced structure, and mastery-based grading.

Modern Classrooms Project Framework of blended instruction, self-paced structures, and mastery-based grading

To learn a bit more about this framework, watch the video of MCP in practice below. 

Getting Started With The Free Course

We will be following the structure of the free course during our learning series. So now is the time to get started with it, if you haven’t done so yet!

Step 1: Enroll

Enroll in the free online course: Modern Classroom Essentials for HDSB. Note that this course is designed specifically to align with the Software Catalogue in HDSB. If you’re joining this learning series from another board, sign up for the general Modern Classroom Essentials course instead.

If you need some help with signing up, watch the video below!

Step 2: Explore

Spend some time exploring the exemplar units provided, in the “Exemplar Modern Classroom Units” lesson. We will spend a bit of time discussing the exemplars in our first meeting.

If you need some help finding the exemplar units, watch the following video!

You can also take some time to explore the various units found within the free course. This week, we are focused on the “Your Modern Classroom Starts Here” unit.

Modern Classrooms Project Free Course overview of units

Other Useful Resources