0.2 Build Your Professional Learning Community

What is a professional learning community?

A professional learning community, or PLC, is a group of educators that meets regularly, shares expertise, and works collaboratively to improve teaching skills and the academic performance of students. It is completely voluntary and gives us a chance to learn and grow from each other.

There are a few ways that you can engage and grow your PLC around the Modern Classrooms framework.

1. Join the Modern Classrooms in HDSB Currents Community

This is a place where we can share ideas, resources, and questions. It is so helpful to have a place where you can bounce ideas off of one another and collaborate with like-minded folks, especially with those teaching the same grade/subject as you! The SHIFT team moderates this community and we are here to get into the weeds with you and dig deep to help you implement this model in your classroom.

2. Join the Modern Classrooms Facebook Group

This facebook group is run and moderated by the Modern Classrooms Project and its mentors. It is a wealth of knowledge and an awesome community to see how others are running their Modern Classrooms around the world. We highly recommend it!

3. Join the Conversation on Twitter

Twitter is pretty awesome for sharing ideas and learning from others. If you are sharing about MCP on Twitter, make sure that you tag us @HDSB_TheShift as well as the Modern Classrooms Project @modernclassproj.