Department head of English, ESL, Library – Craig Kielburger Secondary School

What do you love most about your job?

The students.
Students bring an energy to my day that I would never be able to recreate on my own. The soundtrack of my day is filled with lively discussion, friendly banter, and laughter.
Our students are beautiful humans with so much to give; they have such diverse interests and passions, and always keep me on my toes. They have a knack for keeping me young (but also making me feel very old ;D).
I rarely walk out of building without feeling a great sense of hope for the future.

What is a challenge you face?

The ever-changing technological landscape (and all that goes with it). This ranges from combating plagiarism (from AI or otherwise), to trying to prepare students for jobs that I can’t even begin to fathom because they don’t currently exist.

What is a recent tiny victory, or quick win you’d like to celebrate?

We had the opportunity to take a large group of students to the ROM. Beyond the actual purpose of the trip (to see the Kent Monkman exhibit and talk about Indigenous realities), it was wonderful to get back to doing fun and exciting things. After the last couple of years, experiences like field trips have been minimal. So many of the students had never been to the ROM (some rarely go into Toronto, if at all), so it was great to see them enjoying the time with their peers.

Do you have a favourite quote?

“Remember, hate is always foolish, but love is always wise. Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind.” ~Doctor Who (S11E0)

What is something others might not know about you?

I love rock climbing and Dungeons & Dragons!

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