Acting Special Education Department Head (LEAP & Transitions)

What do you love most about your job?

The students… it sounds cliché, but in my role as department head, I get to interact with students that I don’t teach directly and mentor them, support them as well as challenge them in ways that are different than their subject teachers.

What is a challenge you face?

1) having enough time within the school day to do all that I need to do, and 2) having enough capacity amongst the school staff to support the huge variety of activities and opportunities we wish to offer at WOSS

What is a recent tiny victory, quick win that you would like to celebrate today?

Re-timetabling a student’s semester 2 timetable to help make the day manageable, which in turn made them SUPER excited about the semester starting… this changed their feeling from dread and frustration into excitement!

What words of love/encouragement do you have for your fellow Humans of HDSB, or share your favourite quote?

“It is the very people no one imagines anything of, that do the things no one can imagine.” ~Alan Turing

What is something others may not know about you?

I work at the high school responsible for my own high school education and I have loved getting to give back to the school community that helped to shape me into the professional I am today! I have been as involved as a staff member as I was as a student, to support with various clubs, athletics and school activities!

If you had a warning label, what would it say?

If I had a warning label, it would say “CAUTION: My face has no ability to hide what I am thinking so please only pay attention to the words I am saying.”

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