Intermediate Teacher – Virtual School North

What do you love about your job?

Having the opportunity to learn alongside others – the students, colleagues, mentors within the Board and our community – is a huge part of why I love education. Every year provides opportunities to keep learning and growing. The opportunities to engage in Professional Development, even virtually, have been an amazing part of the journey. For me, this job is about relationships and connections and so I am very thankful to the people I have met along the way. 

As someone who did not enjoy school as a young learner, I find that having the opportunity to be a small part of building a safe learning community with the students is also a major part of the job I love. I really do believe in doing the work with and for the students.

In this challenging year, what have you tried that is working?

At work, collaborating with others and those small ‘check-ins’ with friends and colleagues has really been a source of light this year. I am fortunate to have amazing teaching partners who support one another and create a safe space for trying and failing and listening and growing. The ‘check-in’ texts, virtual coffee chats, and physically distanced walks have gone a long way. It hasn’t always been easy and there are so many people I miss dearly at work and look forward to connecting again soon.

On a personal level, I have tried to give myself more grace. I place very high expectations on myself, and this year put that in the spotlight for me. I get frustrated because limitations beyond my control prevent me from doing the things I value and believe in to the standards I hold myself to. I feel defeated when I can’t sleep or my body aches from being on a screen all day. Negative self talk permeates my thoughts as I sit in my office by myself. These things (and then some) are still present but what is working is reminding myself that my feelings are valid and justified.

And so, I have been working on acknowledging and accepting how I feel in the moment and developing tools to work through them. Understanding that I am doing the best I can with the moment I am in, and seeking support when needed. I recognize that it will be a lifelong journey and I am okay with that.

What has been challenging?

Giving myself a haircut! Those side fades really are works of art… Anyone with advice!? 

I also think a constant challenge that ebbs and flows is teaching virtually. For me, I know that being on a screen and sitting at a computer for hours a day was not something I pictured as an educator. I think this experience captures that pause for “yet” because I feel that I have seen how virtual learning spaces provide opportunities that differ from in-person learning. For all the tears, the uncertainty, the anxiety, the internet connections – it has been a challenge for sure. However, I remind myself that the situation we ALL faced this year continues to be in response to a global pandemic. In our virtual and in-person learning communities.

Something that I hope to carry with me from these challenges… I hope this pandemic gives us pause to really take a look at public education and leave behind what was not working, carrying forward new learning and perspectives, and to support one another as we heal and grow from adversity. 

What is one tiny victory or quick win?

It took a while to really view it in this way, but in a virtual setting having the students log into our Google Meet each day feels like a victory. Whether it’s a few or all. All challenges aside, they come back and while each day may look different I have so much respect and gratitude that they come back each day. I want to carry that gratitude with me when I return to the physical learning community.

What words of love & encouragement do you have for fellow Humans of HDSB?

I feel unsure what I could possibly say, or share that could make an impact, but here it goes:

Remember why you love this world we call education – beyond all the emails, the many many many extra hours, the constant content creation, the internet problems, the rows of desks, the reminders to ‘stay in your zone’ and ‘put your mask on please’, the list could go on…

You are important. You matter. Advocate for the mental health and wellbeing of your students, colleagues, and ultimately yourself. Take care of yourself and take care of others.

What is your favourite word, and why?

Can I say ‘pizza’? Because I absolutely LOVE pizza and even the word brings me joy! 

Have you ever had a nickname? What was it? If not, what nickname would you like to have had?

I’m not sure I’ve ever had a ‘nickname’ per se – some of my cousins called me Mikey when we were younger though! 

Not sure I could think of one if I had to choose to be honest!

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