
My two grade 1 colleagues and I share a portable as our virtual instructional space.  We decided to bring our classes together for some read-alouds, mindfulness, and activities.  It allowed the kids to get to know different teachers, the educators to get to know more students, and the students to get to know each other.  And, it gave us, as educators, a bit of a breather from being “on” and gather our thoughts, which was nice for our mental (and physical) well-being. 

The parents of our kiddos have been so supportive!  They recognize and acknowledge the effort we’re putting in all day long, and are getting a more realistic behind-the-scenes understanding of what happens in a day.  They are also so helpful in times when tech issues arise. 

Who would you like to have dinner with?

I would love to have dinner with Kamala Harris.  I don’t follow politics greatly, but I think Harris has something really unique about her, and I feel a connection to her in some interesting way that she sees the world in a way that I see the world, and she sees people in the same way I see people – looking at people like humans, and being a kind, nice human being matters. That’s important to her.  She had a quote the other day that being a kind human matters – and I just was like, “YES!” Of course, I want my students to learn to read, and write, and do math, and all the other things, but ultimately, I want them to be kind human beings – because, if you’re kind, you can collaborate better, and if you can collaborate better, you can work out that math problem with others, you know?!

So, I think it would be amazing to have a conversation and learn more about her as a person, how she got to where she is, what her plans are… Tomorrow, we’re going to read  her book, “Superheroes are Everywhere”, and talk about the picture of her with all the other Vice Presidents – all the white men in their white hair – and then Kamala at the bottom, a black female.  I’ve never really brought politics into the grade one classroom before, but I think this is important enough. So yeah, I would totally want to have dinner with her, and get to know her.

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