Executive assistant to the superintendent of education – school operations 

Manage 36 schools. 

What is working 

This year looks different – work in the board office, staff working from home, fewer people in the space, not having the normal conversations to problem solve, connect and build relationships, Using PPE (good for our safety).  


We are still running the building. Schools are open.  Leadership has been working their tails off to make things work.

The toughest part is that we are still trying to get into the rhythm of the new delivery of curriculum, things are beyond our control – limited resources, time, supply teachers, what we are given, we are doing our best.

A tiny victory is around technology – improved skills and efficiency.  Cut printing, doing things online has proven surprisingly effective.  I’ve enjoyed attending virtual events more.

Message For You

I feel like I’m stronger than I give myself credit for. We all are.  Know that we are collectively stronger than we think.  It’s good to laugh at ourselves – funny fails when trying new things.  We will get through this and look back and be stronger for it. We’ll look back and say  “I got through it, I got it, and kept going”

If I could go back in time, I would sprint back to 2019, pre-Covid, a somewhat normal year, a year when Dad and mum-in law were still alive. A year that I hadn’t experienced loss of a close family member. There are so many conversations I would have with them. Most importantly I would record their voices and just listen to them talk, laugh, and share words of wisdom…. Now, flash forward to my current reality of 2021, even though I am thankful for the great memories of 2019, like many, I feel the void of loss. It is true when they say CHERISH what you value, before it’s gone
Aside from necessities, I can’t go a day without my prayers and my tea. These are a MUST, and so uplifting!! When I travel, I always travel with my own favourite teabag (just in case) and yes that would be me taking any left teabags from my hotel room…. Shhhh!

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